Here are some common questions and answers about acupuncture treatment.
How Does Acupuncture Work?
Acupuncture works by restoring balance and triggering the body’s natural healing response. This is done by the insertion of hair-fine needles into specific spots or points on the body that lie along pathways called meridians. The meridians correspond to ten organs and two functions in the body. Taking the pulse on the wrists provides information about the balance and health/vitality of the organs in the body from a chi energy perspective.
What are the Treatment Sessions Like?
On the first visit, I will spend time finding out a little about you, including your medical history, perform an acupuncture type of exam, and do a treatment. The first visit lasts about 90 minutes. Follow-up visits last 45 to 60 minutes. I only see one patient at a time and am in the room with you the entire session. In my style of acupuncture, the needles are rarely left in, but inserted in and out quickly.
How Do You Know Where to Put the Needles?
Taking the pulses on the wrists tells me how the chi energy is flowing throughout the body. I look for blocks in the flow of energy and how strong or weak the pulses are for each organ/meridian. Acupuncture points are chosen based on correcting deficiencies or blocks that show up in the pulses.
How Many Treatments Will I Need?
While many patients notice feeling better after each treatment, on average, most patients will need to come in once a week for 3 or 4 treatments to see how much improvement acupuncture will provide for them. The treatments would then be gradually spaced out to two weeks, three weeks, once a month. The ultimate goal is to reach a level of wellness that you would only need to come in seasonally for maintenance and prevention. However, many people come in as frequently as once a month on a regular basis just because they love how acupuncture makes them feel.
How Quickly Will I Notice a Difference?
This is different for everyone, but most people notice feeling more relaxed, sleeping better and more energy after the very first treatment. Most people should notice feeling better in some way or ways after each treatment, including the first treatment. Some people, depending on why they are seeking acupuncture treatment, it may take two or three treatments to see noticeable improvement.
What are the Needles Like?
Most people, even those really afraid of needles, don’t mind acupuncture needles at all. When the needle connects with the chi energy, the patient should feel a little ache or similar sensation that usually lasts only a second or two.
Even the most needle-phobic people find that an acupuncture needle is really not painful at all. Yes, you do feel “something” when the needle is inserted and connects to the chi energy. I like to refer to it as a slight “ache” inside that goes away quickly. Sometimes you may feel a flow of energy or warmth around the area of insertion. Acupuncture needles are so fine, that if inserted in the body where there is no acupuncture point, you would most likely not feel it at all.
There is a big difference between a hypodermic needle (used by an MD or dentist) and an acupuncture needle. Hypodermic needles are much larger in diameter because they are hollow inside to hold fluid that is injected. Acupuncture needles are literally as fine as a strand of hair. Pricking your finger on a sewing pin can certainly be painful as well as getting poked to draw blood. Acupuncture needles do not feel anything like this.
Here is a picture of a one-inch and one-half inch needle compared to a pencil. The needles are usually inserted about 1/4 to 1/2 an inch below the skin, depending on the part of the body.
After receiving your first acupuncture treatment, you will wonder why you waited so long!
Most people, even those really afraid of needles, don’t mind acupuncture needles at all. When the needle connects with the chi energy, the patient should feel a little ache or similar sensation that usually lasts only a second or two.
How Much Does it Cost?
The initial visit is 90 to 120 minutes and the fee is $110. Follow-up visits are 45-60 minutes and the fee is $77. Classical Five-Element Acupuncture does not use Chinese herbal medicine so these prices are total paid per visit and include cold laser treatment, if needed.
What About Insurance Coverage?
I do not take insurance or bill insurance. I can provide you with a detailed invoice coded to submit to your insurance company for reimbursement if you have coverage for acupuncture.